What is The Riptstick?

The Riptstick is the first ever tension-based workout device not resistance based or weight based. Tension because pulling our specially made bands apart creates up to 50lb of tension throughout your upper body including abs.Then performing different movements with the tension created by the Riptstick will give your muscles a burn and a pump that you only get with the Riptstick.

Learn more about Riptstick

How it Works?

You Can Achieve Way More with Less.

An all in one gym that can fit in your pocket. Experience the best work out and get a serious pump anywhere in the world. Made from high quality material by hand. If it ever breaks we will replace it for free.

  • Strong to Build

    An all in one gym that can fit in your pocket. Experience the best work out and get a serious pump anywhere in the world.

  • Strong to Build

    An all in one gym that can fit in your pocket. Experience the best work out and get a serious pump anywhere in the world.

  • Strong to Build

    An all in one gym that can fit in your pocket. Experience the best work out and get a serious pump anywhere in the world.

How the product was created

he Riptstick is the first ever tension-based workout device not resistance based or weight based. Tension because pulling our specially made bands apart creates up to 50lb of tension throughout your upper body including abs.Then performing different movements with the tension created by the Riptstick will give your muscles a burn and a pump that you only get with the Riptstick.

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Our Team

An Weightloss Journey

My journey began with a simple realization—I wanted to prioritize my health and well-being. It was the spark that ignited a commitment to positive change.I set realistic and achievable goals, focusing on gradual progress. These milestones became my guide, leading me through the transformative process.My weight loss journey is ongoing, evolving into a pursuit of self-discovery and self-love. I invite you to join me, share your experiences, and find inspiration for your unique path to wellness.



How we found Riptstick

A few minutes with the Riptstick is equivalent to doing over 100 push-ups. Without any negative benefits like wrist pain or joint pain from all the pressure that push-ups apply to your body.You will feel a serious pump in no time….No matter how strong you think you are.The Riptstick is trusted by NBA players, bodybuilders, golfers, swimmers, every athlete alike.